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Licensing standards officer

We have two Licensing Standards Officers (LSO) who:

  • offer guidance to licence holders for the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005
  • mediate between members of the public and licence holders
  • work with licence holders to make sure they comply with new legislation

The LSOs attend the local licensing forums in:

  • Clydesdale
  • East Kilbride
  • Hamilton
  • Rutherglen and Cambuslang

The LSOs are members of the local licensing forums. They also attend site visits with Board members and other departments as well as dealing with taxi/private hire car operators/drivers, street traders, public entertainment, late hours catering, window cleaners and second hand dealers to make sure they comply with the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.

If you would like to ask our LSOs a specific question please email

For more information and guidance on how our LSOs carry out their enforcement duties please see our Licensing Enforcement Concordant.   

Local licensing standards officer

Email: Local licensing standards officer