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Bereavement Services - burial and cremation

Burial charges

We provide a range of burial and memorial options. Below is a list of charges from 1 April 2024

Description Charges for 2024-25
Lair purchase (three interments) £1387.35
Lair purchase (two interments) £1325.41
Lair of ashes only £532.65
Interment fees £1012.62
Weekend charge £1035.52
Public holiday charge £1275.87
Interment of ashes £284.91
Weekend charge £309.68
Public holiday charge £384.01
Scattering of ashes £42.09

There will be no burial ground charges for children aged 17 years and under (including stillborn)

Miscellaneous burial charges Charges for 2024-25
Use of Service Room at South Lanarkshire Crematorium £284.91
Certificate transfer or duplicate fee £42.09
Foundation fee - up to 2 square feet (excluding VAT) £123.87
Records search (first 30 mins free, £16.91 each 30 mins thereafter) £17.92

There will be no miscellaneous burial charges for children aged 17 years and under (including stillborn)

Bereavement Services

Phone: 0303 123 1016
Email: Bereavement Services