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Equal opportunities and diversity

To ensure that all the work we carry out meets everyone's needs and improves their quality of life, the council, working with our partners, makes sure that all the services we provide are fair. 

Our South Lanarkshire working for you - mainstreaming equalities report sets out our legal equality duties and how we will work with others to make sure that the needs of everyone are met when using a service. 

We aim to:

  • develop best practice as a major employer
  • eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation in all its forms
  • advance equality of opportunity for all
  • foster good relations across our community

Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect so if you have any comments or concerns please use our Comments, compliments and complaints procedure

We carry out equalities impact assessments on all new policies and procedures which can be viewed in the impact assessments directory.

For more information see our Mainstreaming equalities report 2021-2025 or the Equality and Human Rights Commission website.

British Sign Language (BSL)

We try to make the information we share with you easy to understand, with as little jargon as possible.

BSL is the preferred language of deaf people in the UK for whom English may be a second or third language.

Access an interpreter

If you need to talk to someone at South Lanarkshire Council, you can use Contact Scotland BSL to arrange for a meeting with a BSL interpreterWatch the BSL video below.

The Scottish Government have made a national British Sign Language Action Plan to make sure that Deaf and Deafblind British Sign Language (BSL) users are fully involved in all aspects of daily and public life, from early years and education to culture and transportation.

In South Lanarkshire we have made a local version for Lanarkshire along with NHS Lanarkshire and North Lanarkshire Council.

To help shape and develop the plan we formed a new group called the Lanarkshire BSL Steering Group.

You can view the signed films of the Shared BSL Plan for Lanarkshire on North Lanarkshire Council's YouTube channel.

BSL videos on our key services

Watch BSL videos on some of our key services and community information.