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Private water supplies

If you have a private water supply it needs to be checked by us for bacterial and chemical levels.

How often this needs done depends on how much water is used and if it is used for any commercial or public activity, for example dairy farms, bed and breakfasts or food manufacturers.

We may charge for sampling. There are grants available to bring the water up to standard if it fails or if a risk assessment highlights a potential problem.

For more information read the The Private Water Supplies (Scotland) Regulations 2006, which apply to supplies which serve only domestic owner/occupied properties, and The Water Intended for Human Consumption (Private Supplies) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 which apply to supplies to any commercial usage, e.g. holiday lets, caravan parks, food production, supplies which serve 50+ persons, and which have any rented/tied properties on the supply (i.e. where the property is provided as part of the employment of the occupant). 

For more information about our service contact Environmental Services.