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is unavailable until Wednesday 12 March due to essential maintenance.

Care of gardens scheme

Care of gardens service standards

The scheme is run by Community and Enterprise Resources and the work is carried out by grounds maintenance staff.

Service Standards

  • grass will be cut approximately every fortnight between April and October (weather permitting)
  • grass edges will be strimmed where required
  • hedges will be trimmed and clippings removed twice a year between May/June and again in September/October
  • weed killer will only be applied to path areas once a year by the end of July (weather permitting) - you can ask for weed killer not to be used if you are worried about pets

The scheme is basic and is intended only to keep the garden tidy.  We cannot:

  • landscape or renovate your garden
  • plant and/or maintain flower beds, vegetable plots, rockeries, shrub beds, for example, either manually or with weed killer
  • maintain your grass like a fine lawn or bowling green
  • tend your garden if there are health risks involved (dog fouling).  In these instances, the garden will be tended once the area has been cleared
  • prune or maintain trees or shrubs
  • maintain or repair fences, gates or paths
  • use edging shears on flower beds or border edges
  • pick up leaves
  • remove moss or pull up weeds from pathways

Related content

  1. Care of gardens scheme
  2. Payable service for other tenants and homeowners
  3. Care of gardens service standards