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Private Landlord Forum

Private Landlord update

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Welcome to our newsletter for the private landlord's forum.

We are committed to working with landlords and recognises the important role the forum plays in engaging with private landlords and agents to support good practice and promote the sector. 

This newsletter provides information and relevant updates on private rented sector matters. You will also find links to other websites and contact details as well. 

As noted in previous newsletters, an empty property is any privately owned home that has been empty for six months or more. Owning an empty property is an expensive and troublesome responsibility, with increased council tax charges, security and maintenance costs, risk of vandalism, and complaints from neighbours. The total cost of leaving a property empty is estimated to be between £8,638 and £10,438 per year. The Empty Homes Value Tool will provide more information on this. Empty properties can also have negative consequences for the local area including the possible reduction in the value of neighbouring properties.

Harnessing this resource provides a cost-effective way to help address the national housing shortage and meet local needs. The average cost to return an empty home to a habitable state is estimated to cost between £6,000 and £12,000. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, most people are spending more time at home and looking for properties that provide a place to both relax and work from. As noted elsewhere in this newsletter, the housing market is especially buoyant at the moment, making it an ideal time for owners of empty properties to sell these or bring them to the rental market.

Empty homes service

We have recently recruited a dedicated Empty Homes Officer to help support owners to bring properties back into use. Help and advice are available on a range of topics including:

  • VAT discounts available for renovation work on empty properties
  • Finding tenants through our Housing Options Team and other services
  • Financial incentives available for energy efficiency work
  • Selling a property through an estate agent or via auction.

The service is also planning to explore the development of other initiatives. This includes a proposal to evaluate the feasibility of a Matchmaker Scheme which would link empty property owners with purchasers looking to buy properties. Updates on this proposal will be published on the Council’s website.

Convinced of the benefits?

If you are the owner of an empty property and would like help exploring the options available to you to bring the property back into use, please see our page on Empty homes.

Landlord Accreditation Scotland (LAS) continues to provide online training and accreditation for private landlords based on Scottish legislation. Accreditation, along with regular attendance at webinars, provides landlords with knowledge on key issues and how to implement change when required. Becoming accredited with LAS is free for landlords and allows you to take advantage of the best prices for the webinars.

The number of attendees on the webinars is limited to provide the best training experience possible in the time given. The webinars last for one hour and are live. The format is optimized to allow you to get the absolute most out of the session providing opportunities for questions to be answered at the end.

The range of webinars provided by LAS covers both legislation and best practice in the Scottish private rented sector.  It can be very difficult to keep track of the changes to legislation that affect the responsibilities of landlords and the webinars provided by LAS ensure that landlords are updated in line with the ever-changing legislation.

Wednesday 8 May 2024
Ending tenancy

Tuesday 11 June 2024
Managing common repairs

Thursday 1 August 2024
Managing Safety compliance

Not sure if a webinar is for you? Call the LAS office and they will happily talk you through the process.

How to book: Booking can be made using the links above or by visiting the LAS website.

For further information on accreditation, please call 0131 553 2211 or email:

South Lanarkshire Council invites all homeowners and those who rent a private property, to give views on the proposed review of the Scheme of Assistance noting the consultation closes on 14th March 2025.  You can view the survey on our website Review of the Scheme of Assistance - South Lanarkshire Council

Please note invitations to attend the forum are sent by email by our Landlord Registration Team to all registered landlords. Please make sure we have your correct email address. Update your details at or by emailing

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