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Regulation and inspections from external bodies

Letter to registered social landlords

Letter to local authorities and registered social landlords

20 April 2022

Dear colleague,

I hope this finds you well.

I am writing to let you know that we have reviewed the information we provide about complaints and significant performance failures and published updated factsheets today. You can find further information on the Scottish Housing Regulator website.

We have published 3 separate factsheets;

  1. Complaints about a regulated body
  2. Significant Performance Failures – Information for social landlord tenants
  3. Significant Performance Failures – Information for social landlords

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2010 section 47(1) requires the Scottish Housing Regulator to make arrangements enabling tenants of social landlords to provide it with information on significant performance failures by social landlords. We have set out in our Regulatory Framework what we consider to be a significant performance failure. Telling us about a significant performance failure provides a way for tenants to raise serious concerns when their landlord’s action(s), or failure to take action, puts tenants’ interests at risk by significantly affecting a number of the landlord’s tenants.

We would ask all landlords to display and make copies of our Significant Performance Failures factsheet available in their housing offices and website and to give a copy of the tenant factsheet to all groups representing tenants’ interests, including any registered tenant organisations.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Yours sincerely,

Helen Shaw

Director of Regulation