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Altering your council property

As a Council tenant you may wish to alter, improve or enlarge your property's fixtures and fittings. Before you do this you must apply for permission. As the tenant, you are responsible for the cost of the work and must wait until you have our written permission before carrying out any work. Any other joint tenant, partner or person living with you must also give their written agreement. We will contact them to arrange this.

External work

For greenhouses, garden huts, decking, driveways and garages, you will need to provide a sketch or drawing showing the location of where you intend to site the structure, the intended size and the material you will be using. You can do this when filling out the application form.

Other types of alterations

The more common types of requests include:

  • A new kitchen or bathroom
  • Central heating or any other fixed heaters
  • Double glazing
  • External aerials, satellite dishes or CCTV
  • Putting up a garage, greenhouse, fence, wall or other structure
  • Decorative flooring (for example, laminate flooring)
  • Decorating the outside of the house

If you don't see your type of alteration on this list or if you are unsure if you need permission, please speak to your Housing Officer in the first instance, who will advise if permission is required.

If you are looking to install an electric vehicle charger at your property you can find additional information on our Electric Vehicle Charging point installations at council properties page..

Some alterations may require a Building Warrant or Completion Certificate and we will ask for these, where relevant, to ensure any changes meet the required building regulations. You will be responsible for ensuring any relevant safety precautions are taken for the work being carried out and this should be detailed on your application.

Completing this application does not mean we will give you permission, but we will only refuse if there is good reason to do so. We will respond to you in writing within 28 days.

Before you apply it is important you have read the above information along with the information on our A guide for Council tenants page.

Please note that no alterations or improvements can be carried out in a new build property during the 12 month period following handover.