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Changing your tenancy

End your tenancy

If you want to end your tenancy, you must tell us in writing. You must provide at least 28 days notice. If you don't give us at least 28 days, we may think you have abandoned the property and take steps to repossess the property. Any other joint tenant, partner or person living with you must also give their written agreement. We will contact them to arrange this.

We will write to you to tell you when your tenancy will end and arrange a date with you for your home to be inspected. We will tell you of any work needed to replace or remove damaged fixtures or fittings, or alterations you have made without permission. We will also tell you how much rent you have to pay to end your tenancy.

If you want to end your tenancy please contact your local housing office.

Before leaving you should:

  • make sure you have cleared all financial obligations, including the payment of all monies due up to the date of termination. You are liable for all monies: including rent and any other charges incurred including disposal of goods should you fail to remove these items.
  • return all keys including garden sheds, attics and outhouses on or before your tenancy end date. You will be given a receipt which you should keep for your records
  • contact your gas, electricity and phone suppliers to update your details
  • make sure all floor coverings are removed
  • make sure the property including garden areas, sheds, attics and outhouses are clear, clean and tidy
  • request a special uplift for any items or rubbish that you are leaving behind. If you don't you may be charged for them to be removed

It is important that you end your tenancy in the correct way. If you don't, there may be extra charges to pay which could stop you getting another home.

It is important you have read the above information if you are thinking about any change to your tenancy. You should read A guide for Council tenants page.

For more information, please contact your local housing office.

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