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Air quality information for developers

If you are a developer you can help improve South Lanarkshire's air quality.

Normal levels of air pollution in the UK are unlikely to affect people in good health. When pollution levels are high some people's eyes may feel irritated, others may start to cough or have difficulty breathing. Those likely to be more sensitive include people who suffer from heart and lung disease including asthma and bronchitis. Young children and the elderly are particularly sensitive.

At the earliest planning stages you should consider a number of things that can affect air quality:

  • the location of the development
  • potential changes in traffic flow
  • the size of the development
  • the nature of the development
  • any operating licence requirements associated with the development

We may ask you to carry out an Air Quality Impact Assessment (AQIA) which would identify the proposed development's impact on air quality and what can be done to reduce it.

Developments may require an AQIA if they:

  • are in or close to sensitive areas such as a declared Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) or Smoke Control Area
  • are in, or may generate, street canyons and affect the dispersion of air pollutants
  • introduce new exposure close to existing sources
  • have the potential to increase traffic flow or congestion
  • could change the average traffic speed in an area
  • include large car parks or significantly increase the existing car parking provision
  • would significantly alter the traffic composition of an area
  • could attract significant vehicle movements
  • have a particularly sensitive use, for example as crechés, hospitals and care centres
  • involve construction work which may affect nearby residents
  • propose to use a biomass facility as the main source of energy
  • require operating licences