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Air quality

Smoke control areas

Before the widespread adoption of central heating, houses were generally heated by burning coal or wood. The subsequent emission of smoke could cause problems with localised air pollution, in particular with smog. To combat this parliament passed the Clean Air Acts, which allow local authorities to designate smoke control areas in which smoke must not be emitted from chimneys.

You can check if your property is in a smoke control area via South Lanarkshire Council maps. If you are in a smoke control area you can still use a fireplace provided that you use an authorised (smokeless) fuel. Alternatively you can use an exempt appliance. You should also read the Smoke control area rules.

Please remember that even if your property is not in a smoke control area you must still ensure smoke from your chimney does not cause a nuisance to other properties. This also applies to chimineas and garden bonfires (which are not covered by smoke control orders).

You can report a problem to Environmental Services using the form below or contact Environmental services should you wish to speak with an officer.