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Bonfires and fireworks

Information for shopkeepers

If you are a shopkeeper you have an important role to play in keeping dangerous fireworks out of the hands of young people, reducing the risk of children being injured and reducing the chances of fireworks being set off in the street. 

All firework retailers in South Lanarkshire will be visited by Trading Standards staff and Strathclyde Police. Trading Standards is responsible for enforcing regulations on consumer safety and age of purchase. These areas are covered by the Pyrotechnic Articles (Safety) Regulations 2010 and the Fireworks Regulations 2004. You will be given advice and guidance but enforcement action will be considered if you are breaching any legislation.

The regulations allow us to refuse or revoke a licence or registration if we consider you unfit to hold one or if the storage place is unsuitable. 

If you think a shop is breaching any of the conditions above please contact Consumer and Trading Standards.

To apply for a licence please see the Fireworks licence pages.