Uddingston Grammar School
Old Glasgow Road
G71 7BT
Phone 01698 805050
Email office@uddingston.s-lanark.sch.uk
Head Teacher Mr John McKay
Description This school has a Visual Impairment base.
Learning community
Uddingston Grammar: Bothwell Primary, Muiredge Primary, Newton Farm Primary
School roll 1331
Opening hours
Day | Start | Lunch | Finish |
Monday | 8.45am | 1.20pm-2.05pm | 3.45pm |
Tuesday | 8.45am | 1.20pm-2.05pm | 3.45pm |
Wednesday | 8.45am | 12.30pm-1.20pm | 3pm |
Thursday | 8.45am | 12.30pm-1.20pm | 3pm |
Friday | 8.45am | 12.30pm-1.20pm | 3pm |
Key documents
- For information on inspection reports for this school please visit the Education Scotland website, and select the Inspection and Review tab to search for the school name.
Freedom of Information
If you wish to make a Freedom of Information request to this establishment, please email foi.request@southlanarkshire.gov.uk or phone 0303 123 1023, rather than the school or nursery.