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and some of our online forms will be unavailable from 8am Wednesday 26 March until around 12pm. Sorry for any inconvenience. List of services affected

Privilege transport to school

If your child doesn't qualify for free school transport, or if they are not travelling from their permanent home address, you can apply for privilege transport.

This will only be provided where there is a space on an existing school contract and will be from and to designated pick-up and drop-off points. It will not be provided where a service bus is used on the school run.  You are required to make a new application each year.

Can I apply for privilege transport if my child attends a school in South Lanarkshire but I don't live in South Lanarkshire?

  • If you live outwith the South Lanarkshire area but your child attends a South Lanarkshire school, you can apply for privilege transport by using this online form.

I live in South Lanarkshire and my child attends a South Lanarkshire school - can I apply for privilege transport if I don't qualify for entitlement transport?

  • If you live in South Lanarkshire and your child attends a South Lanarkshire school, you can still apply for privilege transport even if you don't qualify for entitlement transport by using this online form.

Any available places will be allocated using the following priorities:

  • Priority 1 - pupils whose family circumstances have been disrupted due to a health condition which affects their immediate carer. In these circumstances we will need supporting documentation from an appropriate agency such as the NHS or Social Work;
  • Priority 2 - pupils whose family circumstances have been disrupted due to a significant change to the child or young person's home life. In these circumstances we will need supporting documentation from an appropriate agency such as the NHS or Social Work;
  • Priority 3 – pupils who are entitled to free school meals. Places will be issued to pupils who live further from the school until all the places have been allocated;
  • Priority 4 - pupils whose permanent home address is within the catchment area. Places will be issued to pupils who live further from the school until all the places have been allocated;
  • Priority 5 - pupils whose permanent home address is outwith the catchment area. Places will be issued to pupils who live further from the school until all the places have been allocated.

Places will be allocated to start when pupils return after the October break.

School transport

Email: School transport