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Enrolling your child for secondary school

If your child currently attends a South Lanarkshire Council primary school, your local secondary school is determined by your permanent home address and your chosen denomination. We expect your child to transfer to your local secondary school in the same denomination.

Transition information will be issued by your child’s current school in December of each year.

Secondary enrolment form

You should use the online secondary school enrolment form below if:

  • you are new to the area and wish to enrol your child in your catchment secondary school
  • you are moving house within South Lanarkshire and wish to move your child to the catchment secondary school for your new address

You should not use the secondary school enrolment form in the following circumstances:

  • If you are staying at your current address and wish to move your child to a different secondary school. To do this you should make a placing request.
  • If you move address within South Lanarkshire and wish your child to remain at their current secondary school. In this situation, you should complete a Request to Remain form at your child’s school.
  • You do not need to complete this form if your child is transferring to an SLC secondary school in August and currently attends an SLC primary school. Transition information will be issued by your child’s current school in December of each year.

Enrol online

To enrol your child for school you should complete our online secondary school enrolment form below. You must identify the catchment school for your permanent home address by using the school catchment checker.  This will give you information on both primary and secondary schools. The link to the online form will be given when you select your catchment school. It is only the parent the child ordinarily stays with who is authorised to register them. This includes the guardian or any person who is liable to maintain or has parental responsibilities. For more information see the Children (Scotland) Act 1995.  If you have any difficulty in identifying your catchment school please email us at

Submit your documents online

The online registration form will ask you to provide each child's full birth certificate and two pieces of recent official documentation both containing your permanent home address for example a utility bill, Council Tax statement, housing rent card, Child Benefit documentation. Proof of where the child lives may also be needed. Please note that registration is required for each child so twins require a registration each. 

Uploaded documents should be no more than 5MB each and preferably in .jpg or .pdf format.