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Planning for learning

Most children and young people cope well at school but some need more help.

Additional Support Plan

The Additional Support Plan (ASP) aims to help staff plan and deliver a more effective curriculum for children and young people with additional support needs.

The ASP is a holistic plan. It provides an overview of the range of interventions and support which have been agreed to meet the child or young person's additional needs. It includes a number of parts which can be used to tailor the plan to the needs of the pupil. Only those parts of the plan which are considered necessary will be used. The ASP includes:

  • an information section about key professionals, including school staff who may be involved (the child's Network of Support);
  • a summary of the child/young person's additional support needs;
  • long and short term curriculum targets;
  • multi agency targets;
  • behaviour management plan;
  • section for looked after children and young people;
  • a page for parent/carer and child/young person comments;
  • a Review Meeting Template

Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP)

Some children need additional support from school and other services such as Social Work and the NHS. A CSP helps make sure that everyone works together to meet your child's learning needs. 

A CSP must be set up for a child who has additional support needs if the following conditions apply:

  • your child has complex or multiple needs
  • the additional support needs are likely to last for more than a year
  • he or she needs a lot of support from Education Resources and at least one other agency to meet his or her learning targets

Inclusion service

Phone: 0303 123 1023
Email: Inclusion service