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and some of our online forms will be unavailable from 8am Wednesday 26 March until around 12pm. Sorry for any inconvenience. List of services affected

Early Learning and Childcare charges and exemptions

Nursery charges and exemptions

Where available additional nursery hours may be purchased. The availability of hours and payments should be discussed with the Head of Establishment. Payments for this service are made through ParentPay.

You are entitled to a nursery charges exemption if the child is in receipt of Child Disability Payment or Disability Living Allowance.  You should take proof of this benefit to your nursery.  Note: you do not need to complete the online form below if you receive either of these benefits.

If you meet the following criteria you may be exempt for nursery charges:

If you or your child has experience of care
  • Funded early learning and childcare is available for 2 year olds who have experience of care. This includes children who either:
  • are looked after by the council
  • are in kinship care
  • have been appointed a guardian
  • If you as a parent have experience of care, your 2 year old can also access funded early learning and childcare. If you think you qualify or want more information, contact
If you get certain benefits
Your 2 year old can also get funded early learning and childcare if you get one of these benefits:
  • Income support
  • Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance 
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Incapacity Benefit
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • State Pension Credit
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (Support for Asylum Seekers)
If you receive tax credits or Universal Credit, then you can earn a certain amount of money and still be eligible. These income thresholds change annually.
From 1 April 2024, if you are on Child Tax Credit:
  • but not Working Tax Credit, then your earnings can be £19,995 or less
  • and Working Tax Credit, then your earnings can be £9,552 a year or less
  • If you are on Universal Credit, then your 'Income as reported by employer' on your payment statement must be £796 a month or less

Please note: if you are required to provide proof of your income or benefits as part of your application, this must be provided within two weeks of your application being submitted. Your application will be cancelled if the required evidence is not provided within this time.

Scottish Child Payment

You may be eligible for the Scottish Child Payment for any child you have under 6 years of age, subject to being in receipt of specific benefits.

Parents can apply as follows:

  • Online at the MyGov.Scot website
  • By phone: 0800 182 2222
  • By post – you can download a form from the MyGov.Scot website and post it to Social Security Scotland (SSS) or you can contact SSS on 0800 182 2222 and ask for a form to be posted to your home address.  Once completed you should return this form to: Social Security Scotland, PO Box 27155, Glasgow, G4 7DX.  If you need a prepaid envelope, you can call SSS free on 0800 182 2222 and they will send you one.

Further advice on benefits and grants can be found on the MyGov.Scot website.

Related content

  1. Early Learning and Childcare charges and exemptions
  2. ParentPay