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Our online rent services (myaccount)

is currently unavailable due to year-end processing

Freedom of Information Act

Are there any charges?

You may be charged a fee for dealing with your request.  If a fee is required we will notify you of this in advance and the information you request will not be released to you until the fee is paid. 

We can charge a fee in relation to the costs incurred in the location, retrieval and provision of the information to you.

The fees are calculated based on staff time at a capped rate of £15 per hour.

You will be charged as follows:

  • costs not exceeding £100 are free 
  • if the costs exceed £100 but are less than £600, you will be charged 10% of the costs in excess of £100
  • if the costs are £600 or above you will be charged the full cost
  • in the event that we decide to impose a charge we will issue you with notification of the charge (a fees notice) and how it has been calculated.

Please note that we can refuse to comply with a request on the basis of excessive cost.

Fees can be paid in the following ways:

  • by cheque or postal order made payable to South Lanarkshire Council
  • by phoning 01698 453326 and using a debit or credit card 

Please quote the relevant reference given to your request. This will be given in our letter to you.