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Facts and figures webpages - user guides

Area Profiles banner

Area profile - users guide

About this document

The Council’s Research and Improvement Unit provides analysis and interpretation of large datasets and information systems including official unemployment and employment statistics, data on benefits, the Census of Population and Scottish Government Statistics datasets.

Many of these datasets are contained on an information system holding a wide range of small area information that can be compared with the overall Council and Scottish situation and analysed over time as well as being capable of being aggregated up to produce information for user defined areas. The information is aligned to the council’s strategic outcomes: communities and environment, education and learning, children and young people, health and well being, housing and land and our economy.

This guide explains the ways in which to use the site in order to create pre-defined area profiles or generate your own area profile to explore a wide range of statistics about South Lanarkshire and its people.


In the main body of text or the right hand navigation select Area Profiles in the sub menu.

Image of Facts and Figures Page highlighting area profile selection



Once in the Area profiles page select Area Profiling Tool button. This will open the interactive tool.

Area profile user guide



The first step is to 'change map type' (1.) This will allow you to change the geography that can be profiled. When opened a drop-down menu of geographies will be displayed (2) that you can select from. The lowest level that can be profiled is datazone level.

Area Profile tool screen showing how to change and select a different map type


Use zoom and navigation tools on the left to focus in on the area you require then select one or more areas (1.). You can also use Select your area from a list (2. and 3.) or the Area Search (4.) to select the areas needed or a combination of both. If you use the Area Search box click “Run Search” to finish. The list box will be filtered with your option and then select them from the list and they will shade blue on the map.

Area Profile tool screen showing how to select different areas using various available options


When you have selected areas and they are highlighted, ‘Select Report Theme’ (1.) and from the dropdown list select your outcome area (2.). Then to run the profile click the ‘Run Report’. (Please note that the report may take approx up to 1 minute to generate depending on your broadband speed).

Area Profile tool selection screen showing how to select report type and the available reports


Your report will be generated into a pdf document which you can print or save.

Area profile users guide


You can now navigate back to the area profiling tool by use the back button on your browser. You can now generate further reports using the topics available from the dropdown list, your original selections will be retained.