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Your privacy


The UK GDPR places specific responsibility on:

  • the council's Chief Executive and Executive Directors who will implement and enforce this policy across the council
  • the Finance and Corporate Resources Executive Director who will provide guidance and help to make sure the security of personal information, including how we store it, who should have access to it and how we transfer it to other agencies
  • line managers, who will make sure that employees are aware of and comply with their responsibilities
  • individual employees who are to comply with their responsibilities
  • the Data Protection Officer who is to give training, guidance and advice on the interpretation of the UK GDPR, as well as check and review the effectiveness of this policy and our procedures around it

Before we start to handle personal information for a new purpose or make changes to the way we already handle information we will carry out a privacy impact assessment where necessary at the earliest possible stage of the planning process.

We will try to make sure that any contractors providing services on our behalf treat personal information in the same way we do.


Related content

  1. Your privacy
  2. Controls