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Annual performance spotlights

Wording 'Connect outcome - Children and young people' displaying on a blue background with the outline of two adults and two children. The SLC logo also sits to the right hand side of the image

Connect outcome - Children and young people

Our children and young people thrive

What communities told us:

  • Building young peoples’ resilience and giving them skills for life and citizenship is important.
  • The activities available for children and young people are held in high regard and it is important to ensure they are available to everyone and cater to all needs.
  • We should value the views of children and young people and involve them in decision-making and give them a say in how services are designed and delivered.

What success will look like:

  • Positive learning outcomes and positive destinations for care experienced young people
  • Percentage of Child Protection Investigations completed that progress to Case Conference
  • Percentage of our looked after children and young people accommodated in residential placements

Case study: Whole Family Wellbeing

The Whole Family Wellbeing Fund supports the change and improvement needed to shift investment towards prevention and reduce the need for crisis intervention for children, young people and their families. Central to the vision for whole family support, is for families to flourish and get the right help at the right time, supporting a child's right to be raised safely within their own family for as long as they need it.

Within South Lanarkshire four Family Support Hubs are now operational to support easier access to help for families.

  • Family support is delivered where and when suits parents
  • Family support is perceived as universally accessible providing early help and support
  • Reduction in the number of babies living away from their families.

Families are supported by peer staff with a range of lived or living experience with the aim of reducing the impact of parental alcohol and drug use. Peer workers have helped reduce the stigma of needing support.

A Parenting Support Groupwork Pathway has been expanded to include support for parents with children aged 0-18 years. These programs include evidence based and accredited programs and for those parents not requiring additional or intensive groupwork programs, the pathway has been expanded to include engagement groups to provide general parenting and wellbeing support.

The initial success has been:

  • Staff are starting to understand and drive strategy
  • Families are self-referring
  • Partners are supportive
  • Collaborative service delivery
  • Parents and carers are sharing their views

Family support hubs

How we did in 2023-24

Note: 2023-24 education results are for academic year 2023