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Good Governance

The fundamental function of good governance in the public sector is to ensure that organisations achieve their intended outcomes while acting in the public interest at all times.

The council adheres to and works within a framework of internal values and expected external principles and standards which help to deliver good standards of governance. The standards reflect the conduct of business and day to day delivery of services, and applies to all elected members and employees.

Connect, the Council Plan 2022-27 sets out the council’s Vision, Values and Outcomes over a five year period 2022-27. The council’s shared vision is to improve the lives and prospects of everyone in South Lanarkshire with the main Outcomes being:

  • Communities and Environment - caring, connected, sustainable communities;
  • Education and Learning - inspiring learners, transforming learning, strengthening partnerships;
  • Health and Wellbeing - people live the healthiest lives possible;
  • Children and Young People - our children and young people thrive;
  • Housing and Land - good quality, suitable and sustainable places to live;
  • Our Economy - thriving business, fair jobs and vibrant town centres.

The council works within the new national framework ‘Delivering Good Governance in Local Government’ which was published by the Chartered Institue of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) and the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE). This framework aims to assist authorities in reviewing and accounting their own governance approach. Authorities should ensure that resources are directed in accordance with agreed policy, that there is sound and inclusive decision making and clear accountability for the use of those resources in order to achieve desired outcomes for service users and communities.

The Local Code of Corporate Governance is a statement which sets out the governance arrangements that are currently in place and how South Lanarkshire Council will continue to review these arrangements and implement improvements where necessary.

Compliance with this Local Code of Corporate Governance will be reviewed on an annual basis and the review will inform the Annual Governance Statement.

The Annual Governance Statement explains how the council has complied with the Code.  It also meets legislative requirements to include the Annual Governance Statement within the Annual Accounts and includes the Governance Officer Working Group's assessment of compliance, an opinion on the effectiveness of the council's arrangements and provides details of any improvements required.