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Consultation, Organisational Development and Equality Team (CODE)

The following information provides insight into improvement activities that the Consultation, Organisational Development and Equality Team (CODE) can facilitate/support/provide. 

Customer satisfaction questionnaires

We subscribe to a number of external validation factors for measuring continued compliance with great customer satisfaction. A number of surveys are carried out to provide evidence for external assessors, for example, the Care Commission and Customer Service Excellence. If you are considering carrying out a customer satisfaction survey, let the Consultation Team know before surveying starts. All the satisfaction surveys include a set of key customer satisfaction questions. By speaking to the team about your survey we will make sure these questions are included.

The key customer satisfaction questions will form a customer satisfaction scorecard, which shows at a glance areas of customer service that are doing well, and also areas for improvement. You can be provided with this scorecard when your survey is closed as part of the reporting process.

Consultation hardware

A range of hardware is available for carrying out consultation in addition to the standard SNAP software. This currently includes:

OptionFinder kits – Keypad voting system

The OptionFinder system is an add-on to Microsoft PowerPoint. This has a similarity to the TV show ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire. It allows a quick response and can be used anonymously. It can generate lively debate giving you the opportunity to engage with others. It is used for in person events and can be used with small groups or at large conferences and seminars. As this is a PowerPoint based package, the OptionFinder questions can either be used in their own right or incorporated into a larger PowerPoint presentation. There is also a quiz feature built into the software that allows participants to select correct answers with the winning keypad being revealed at the end of the voting. The OptionFinder software is built into the Consultation Team’s laptops so these need to be used with the keypad kits, this means that you cannot use your own laptop. These laptops run in a stand-alone, non-networked state; therefore, you will need to ensure that your presentation does not include links to external sites such as YouTube, Vimeo and so on as these will not be accessible. To avoid any issues, embed any video or audio clips you are planning to use into your presentation. You will need to request and book the equipment a minimum of 10 working days before your event date.

You will need to develop and send the questions to the Consultation Team so that they can be uploaded and tested before your event. Your final set of slides or final question set is required no later than 5 working days before the date of your event. Following your event, you will be provided the results in Excel format.

Ketso toolkit

This is a repositionable felt-based kit used in workshops. The Ketso system has been designed to make running your workshops flexible and interactive. There are 3 kits available and each kit contains 3 large felt sheets and associated material. Ketso is a great kit for ensuring all participants get an equal chance to have their say. More information on how the toolkit can benefit you in your workshop or engagement event is available from the Ketso website. At the end of your workshop, we ask you to make sure the kit is cleaned and returned in the same condition you received it.

Video consultation – Voxur

The Voxur video consultation system is a self-contained video consultation device. A small number of questions are recorded on the unit and respondents provide their responses through video. 2 units are available for use. This equipment must be requested and booked a minimum of 28 calendar days before the date of your event. Your question set is required 7 calendar days before your event to allow us record your questions. You will receive a DVD containing the recorded responses.

The Citizens’ Panel

South Lanarkshire Citizens’ Panel is a panel of around 800 residents who have registered as willing to take part in consultation activity with the council. Panel members can be invited to participate in any consultations. As many of the panel members have given us their email addresses we can easily share links to online surveys. Panel members can also participate in focus/discussion groups.

Focus groups

These are facilitated group discussions used to gather feedback and opinions, and to explore issues in depth. Can also help to obtain the views of particular interest groups.

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