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Public performance reports

Environmental health and trading standards

The Council Plan Connect, outlines our priorities and outcomes for 2022-27. Connect Outcomes should not be seen in isolation, they interact with each other and as we achieve success in one, we move closer to success in others. In delivering our vision to ‘improve the quality of life of everyone in South Lanarkshire’ our Priorities show how our work links with our partners including our Community Planning Partners. 

For daily updates, stories and what’s going on in your area, visit our information and news website South Lanarkshire View.

Each year we produce Annual Performance Spotlights which summarise how we have performed in achieving our Connect Outcomes. To complement these, we have created a suite of individual Public Performance Reports which focus on key areas of council business. This report outlines the performance of our Environmental Health and Trading Standards Services.

South Lanarkshire Council has a statutory responsibility to protect public health and the environment. It does this through the work of our Environmental Health service, which undertakes inspection programmes and investigates complaints. Key areas of responsibility include: food safety, health and safety at work, air quality, flytipping enforcement, and nuisance investigation, such as noise pollution and pest control.

Another important role for the council is protecting consumers of goods and services through the work of our Trading Standards service. This service carries out a range of regulatory and inspection activities, offers advice and assistance to consumers experiencing problems, and helps businesses and traders comply with trading standards and other legislation.

Percentage of fly tipping complaints receiving an initial response from Environmental Health within two working days - Target - 90%

What this means This indicator measures the council’s success in responding to complaints about fly-tipping within the target time of two working days. 
Why this matters This indicator shows how quickly we respond to complaints relating to this environmental crime and demonstrates how effectively the council is achieving its statutory purpose of protecting and improving the health, safety and the environment of the people of South Lanarkshire.
Our performance and how we compare Comparator 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Are we improving?
SLC 99.0% 99.8% 99.8% Yes
Scotland N/A N/A N/A
How we have performed in improving this public service

A total of 2,596 complaints were received during the year April 2022 to March 2023, and 99.8% of these fly tipping complaints were responded to within two working days.

Follow the link for more information on reporting fly-tipping.

Percentage of dog fouling complaints receiving an initial response from Environmental Health within two working days - Target - 95%

What this means This indicator measures the council’s success in responding to complaints about dog fouling within the target time of two working days.
Why this matters This indicator shows how quickly we respond to complaints relating to this environmental crime and demonstrates how effectively the council is achieving its statutory purpose of protecting and improving the health, safety and the environment of the people of South Lanarkshire.
Our performance and how we compare Comparator 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Are we improving?
SLC 96.9% 99.0% 99.0% Yes
Scotland N/A N/A N/A
How we have performed in improving this public service

A total of 540 dog fouling complaints were received during the year April 2022 to March 2023, and 99% of these complaints were responded to within two working days.

Follow the link for more information on dog fouling

Domestic noise - average time between time of complaint and attendance on site by Environmental Health Team (in hours) - Target 1.5 hours

What this means This indicator measures the response time when initially handling and investigating complaints of domestic noise abuse and it includes only those complaints which require attendance ‘on site’, which means at the home of the person making the complaint or the home that is the subject of the complaint.
Why this matters This indicator shows how quickly we respond to complaints relating to this environmental crime and demonstrates how effectively the council is achieving its statutory purpose of protecting and improving the health, safety and the environment of the people of South Lanarkshire.
Our performance and how we compare Comparator 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Are we improving?
SLC 36.6 minutes 34.8 minutes 35.4 minutes N/A
Scotland N/A N/A N/A
How we have performed in improving this public service

2,775 complaints of domestic noise were received during 2022-23 and of those 1,133 required a visit by officers to assess noise levels.  The average response time for complaints which required a visit from officers was 35.4 minutes which remains comparable with previous performance.

Follow the link for more information on anti-social behaviour

Percentage of consumer complaints completed by Trading Standards within 14 days of receipt - Target 80%

What this means This indicator provides a measure of our efficiency in dealing with consumer complaints (irrespective of the outcome) against a target of 14 days. 
Why this matters This indicator shows how quickly the Trading Standards service responds to consumers who are experiencing problems and gives a general indication of how effectively the service is protecting consumers of goods and services in South Lanarkshire.
Our performance and how we compare Comparator 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Are we improving?
SLC 82% 81% 75% No
Scotland N/A N/A N/A
How we have performed in improving this public service

789 complaints were resolved during 2022-23, resulting in £68,307 redress being returned to citizens of South Lanarkshire. The 2022-23 figure is lower than in previous years because Trading Standards had vacancies during the period and were unable to fill the posts, which resulted in a dip in performance. Trainees have been recruited 2023/24 and it is anticipated the performance in this area will improve as the trainees progress with their training and can undertake some of this work.

Follow the link for more information on trading standards

Percentage of business advice enquiries responded to within 21 days of receipt - Target 95%

What this means This indicator provides a measure of our efficiency in dealing with requests for advice from businesses. The indicator calculates the proportion of business enquiries responded to within the target timescale.
Why this matters This indicator shows how efficiently we are responding to business enquiries, thereby helping businesses meet their legal obligations and at the same time achieving our statutory purpose of promoting and contributing to the maintenance of a safe, fair and equitable trading environment.
Our performance and how we compare Comparator 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Are we improving?
SLC 97% 86% 91% N/A
Scotland N/A N/A N/A
How we have performed in improving this public service

126 business advice requests were received during 2022-23 and demonstrates a steady level of performance in relation to business advice.

Follow the link for more information on consumer advice

Resource Plans are prepared each year by all council Resources to outline the key developments they intend to take forward in the year. Performance and actions relating to Environmental Health and Trading Standards can be found in the Community and Enterprise Resource Plan.

Twice a year, performance reports are presented to council committees on progress against the Resource Plans. In addition, reports detailing progress against the Council Plan Connect Priorities are prepared - see Quarter 2 (September) and Quarter 4 (March - year end) performance reports for further information.

More information on our outcomes can be found in the Council Plan Connect and also the Annual Performance Spotlights.

Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) allows councils to work together, to use performance information in a way which will help understand variations, share knowledge, expertise and good practice, with a view to making improvements. For more information and links relating to this framework go to the 'Benchmarking' paragraph on the Improvement and how we compare page on our website.

The information contained within this report reflects the position based on the data available at the time of publication (March 2024).