Public Protection in South Lanarkshire

The South Lanarkshire Public Protection vision is to promote multi-agency partnership working which reduces the risk of harm to children, young people, adults, and members of the public in our communities.
Role of individual committees/partnerships
Chief Executive, South Lanarkshire Council
Executive Director Education Resources, South Lanarkshire Council
Head of Education (Inclusion), Education Resources, South Lanarkshire Council
Executive Director, Housing and Technical Resources, South Lanarkshire Council
Director, Health and Social Care Partnership, South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership
Head of Children and Justice Services and Chief Social Work Officer, South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership
Head of Health and Social Care, South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership
Chief Executive, NHS Lanarkshire
Executive Director of Nursing/Midwives/AHPs, NHS Lanarkshire
Nurse Director, NHS Lanarkshire
Director of Security, Estates and Facilities, The State Hospital
Chief Superintendent, Police Scotland
Locality Reporter Manager, Scottish Children’s Reporter
For general enquiries email:
The South Lanarkshire Child Protection Committee is a multi-agency strategic group responsible for the design, development, publication, distribution, dissemination, implementation, and evaluation of child protection policy and practice in South Lanarkshire. The key role of the Child Protection Committee relates to individual and collective leadership and direction for the management of child protection services across the statutory and voluntary sectors. It considers all its work in the context of GIRFEC (Getting it Right for Every Child) and wellbeing whilst working to support services reduce the risk of harm, abuse, or neglect to children and young people in our community. It reports regularly to the Chief Officers Group on issues of local and National importance.
For more information please visit
Read the Child Protection Committee Annual Report and Business Plan.
The South Lanarkshire Adult Support and Protection Committee is a multi-agency body established under the terms of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 to ensure a coordinated approach to the protection of adults at risk of harm in South Lanarkshire. The Committee’s main aim is to promote the highest standards of inter-agency practice in the protection of adults.
For more information please visit
Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) is the framework that joins up the agencies that manage offenders. The fundamental purpose of MAPPA is public safety and the reduction of serious harm. The introduction of MAPPA across Scotland in April 2007 gave a consistent approach to the management of offenders across all local authority and police areas, providing a framework for assessing and managing the risk posed by those offenders subject to MAPPA provision. The Strategic Oversight Group (SOG) has representatives from the MAPPA responsible authorities and oversees all aspects of MAPPA in Lanarkshire. Read the MAPPA Annual Report.
The South Lanarkshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) is a multi-agency strategic planning group which co-ordinates actions around the impact of alcohol and drug-related issues in south Lanarkshire. The principal aim of south Lanarkshire ADP is to reduce the harm that alcohol and drugs can cause to communities, individuals, and their families and to promote that recovery is possible.
All those referenced within this South Lanarkshire Public Protection Strategy are committed to working with and supporting the work of the ADP in keeping adults, children, and young people safe in South Lanarkshire.
The ADP Delivery plan is available by email to
The Gender-Based Violence Partnership is the multi-agency mechanism to deliver on Equally Safe: Scotland’s strategy for preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls at a local strategic level.
The Partnership aims to promote the delivery of an integrated, high quality response to Gender-Based violence in South Lanarkshire. It is made up of key partners from the statutory and voluntary sectors and is responsible for developing and implementing South Lanarkshire’s Gender-Based Violence Strategy.
For more information and to download a copy of the Gender-Based Violence Strategy please visit
The South Lanarkshire Community Justice Partnership (CJP) deals with the situations people can face before and after the criminal justice process of arrest, trial, and sentence – it concerns the issues facing potential offenders and ex-offenders and aims to help prevent crimes occurring in the first place or recurring after a sentence has been served. The Scottish Government introduced the Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 following a consultation period on the Future Model of Community Justice in Scotland.
In accordance with the Act, a Community Justice Partnership was established in South Lanarkshire. The Scottish Government’s vision is reflected in the South Lanarkshire CJP improvement plan which has been developed with contributions from all partner agencies. Find out more about the work of the CJP.