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Good Food Strategy

Becoming a Good Food Council is part of the council’s priorities. To advance this objective, the council has developed its first food strategy. The strategy covers the period 2020-2025 and provides a framework for actions to move towards healthier, fairer and more sustainable food systems in the council’s area and to make sure that food plays a positive role in everyone’s lives.

Change in food systems (all the complex interrelated activities from farm to fork) has the potential to tackle challenges in relation to health, wellbeing, social connections, poverty and inequalities, economy including agriculture and tourism, environment and climate change and animal welfare.

Therefore, by taking into account all the aspects of food, the council has set out key objectives and intentions for us to deliver changes but also to work with partners and support the community.

To consult the strategy summary document, see Good Food Strategy 2020-2025 Summary.

To discover key facts about Food in South Lanarkshire, see Food in South Lanarkshire - Towards a Good Food Council: Key facts.

Residents were asked to take part in a survey on the proposed objectives of the strategy - please take a look at the summary of the survey responses.

South Lanarkshire Council has signed the Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration. The declaration is a commitment made by subnational governments to tackle the climate emergency through integrated food policies and a call on national government to act.

We have also achieved membership of the Sustainable Food Places network, recognising the effort of the council, partners, third and private sectors to make local, healthy and sustainable food available to all in South Lanarkshire.