Gaelic Language Plan
We support the Gaelic language and contribute to national efforts to safeguard its future as a healthy, vibrant language, increasingly used and respected in a modern, multicultural and multilingual Scotland.
We have prepared a Gaelic Language Plan following guidance from the public body of Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Bidh sinn a 'toirt taic don Ghàidhlig agus a' cur ri oidhirpean nàiseanta gus dìon a dhèanamh air an àm ri teachd mar chànan fallain, beothail, a tha a 'sìor chleachdadh agus a' toirt spèis do dh 'Alba nuadh, ioma-chultarach agus ioma-chànanach.
Tha sinn air Plana Gàidhlig ullachadh a rèir stiùireadh bho bhuidheann poblach Bhòrd na Gàidhlig.
Have your say
We are developing the third edition of our Gaelic Language Plan. The plan builds on the work started in 2013 to raise awareness of the language across our community and it outlines how we will take forward the aims set out in the National Gaelic Language Plan 2023-2028.
We recognise the Gaelic language is an integral part of Scotland’s heritage and national identity and acknowledge the challenges that exist to raise the profile and use of Gaelic in our communities and daily lives, therefore the third South Lanarkshire Gaelic Language Plan 2025-2030 will focus on the key aim of Increasing the use and learning of Gaelic and will focus on five priority areas which are: Community, Home, Creative industries, Business and the economy, and Public authorities.
We are interested in your experience of the Gaelic language and your views on the draft plan. We would therefore be grateful if you could complete this survey. The survey closes at midnight on Sunday 6 April 2025.