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Community and Enterprise Resources

Community and Enterprise Resources is responsible for a wide range of services that enhance our quality of life including improving roads and transportation, parks and play areas, household waste and recycling, cleaning, school meals and school crossing patrols as well as Bereavement Services, Environmental Health and Consumer and Trading Standards.

Some of our activities include:

  • collecting and disposing of waste and recycling
  • assisting and guiding physical development and regeneration
  • providing bereavement services
  • supporting safe and effective transport, including roads
  • maintaining our parks, gardens and open spaces
  • keeping our streets clean and free from pests
  • promoting jobs, economic development and social inclusion
  • promoting sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions
  • providing school meals and school crossing patrols
  • attracting funding from Europe and the Lottery
  • protecting public health
  • providing Consumer and Trading Standards services