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Finance and Corporate Resources

Personnel Services

From family friendly policies to training and development, Personnel Services plays a leading role in developing and implementing the full range of conditions of service for council employees.

Policies and practices are in place to ensure council staff are fairly recruited and well trained. Safety is a high priority, and council employees are encouraged through the council's commitment to Scotland's Health at Work campaign to adopt healthy lifestyles.

With the entire council recognised as an Investor in People, there is considerable emphasis on performance and development of employees. Personnel Services runs a range of corporate training, including management and leadership development.

Learning Resource Centres where employees and their families can learn online are available at a number of locations, with access to a range of resources including books, DVDs and CD roms. The service is also developing an online learning website to let employees take courses on their computer at work or at home. 

In addition, Personnel Services has a council-wide responsibility for making sure equal opportunities legislation is taken into account and that there is good practice in place across the council to provide inclusive services and combat discrimination on the basis of disability, gender, race, age or religion.

It deals with health and safety at work and contingency planning, including planning for emergencies.

It also has a council-wide remit for continuous improvement and customer service. This includes consultation, implementation of corporate standards, central comments and complaints, Lean thinking and Customer Services Excellence.