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Finance and Corporate Resources

Information and Technology Services

Information Technology Services (IT Services) operates as the single provider of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to the council.

It covers all aspects of IT service delivery - business and technical applications, all computer hardware, telephony both fixed and mobile, internet connections, web development, data networks, user training and support and an IT help centre. The aim is to support service delivery by working closely with Resources to provide quality business information, technical and systems support and technological and business process innovation and change.

Every council service has an IT account manager to provide their support. Each year service plans for ICT enabled projects identified in the council plan and resource plans are produced and professionally project managed.

We aim to provide a flexible and responsive service, which meets the council's changing needs in a cost-effective way. Whilst the provision and support of technology is our primary goal it should always be remembered that ICT is itself simply a tool to be used to deliver and enable business benefit.

Information Technology Services provides a critical support function to all Resources of the Council, the Lanarkshire Valuation Joint Broad and the South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture. Through regular dialogue we work to understand and enable effective delivery of all the services associated with these organisations.