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Finance and Corporate Resources

Finance Services

Finance Services secures all of the council's funds, both revenue and capital, and directs them to areas of agreed priority. They work with other Resources to maximise the council's financial potential, and continually monitor and report on financial performance.

The Accounting and Budgeting Section is responsible for effectively and efficiently managing the financial affairs of the council. This includes budget preparation, regular monitoring and reporting of actual expenditure and income against budget, and preparation of the statutory Annual Report and Accounts. Finance Services controls and maintains the Financial Management System and provide financial advice to Resources and councillors.

The Corporate Section deals with the council's payroll, payments of invoices, VAT accounting services, as well as having responsibility for Treasury Management which covers banking arrangements and debt management. The Systems team have responsibility for the development of the council's corporate Finance Systems.

The Risk management team assists in the identification and evaluation of risks associated with the delivery of the council's objectives and provides support to help manage these risks.