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Finance and Corporate Resources

Communications and Strategy

Communications and Strategy provides a range of services that include:

  • promoting the council, its policies and services
  • media relations
  • advertising
  • photography and video
  • South Lanarkshire Reporter
  • South Lanarkshire View
  • design and printing
  • website and new media

Our Graphic Design and Printing Team maintain the council's corporate identity and provide a graphics design and printing service for all council departments, partner organisations and the voluntary sector.  

Corporate Improvement Unit

The Corporate Improvement Unit manages a range of work relating to corporate improvement activity.  This includes managing the Council's response to its statutory responsibility to demonstrate Best Value and the preparation and review of the Council Plan 'Connect'.  The Unit also works to prioritise and coordinate corporate improvement activity and to direct the approach to self evaluation and managing change.  The CIU also supports the community planning process in South Lanarkshire and the Council's Good Governance arrangements.

Central Research Unit

The Central Research Unit (CRU) provides a number of core functions including analysis and reporting on information and performance management through the IMPROVe system.