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Anti-social behaviour

Equality and diversity

We are committed to ensuring that all residents can live without threats, verbal or physical harassment or prejudice.

We will tackle any unfair discrimination on the following grounds:

  • race
  • religion or beliefs
  • nationality (including anti-English sentiment)
  • sexual orientation
  • sex
  • disability
  • age

We will investigate cases of hate crimes as a priority and aim to start an investigation within one day of being notified of the issue.


The Police Scotland Community Safety Unit gathers information on sectarian, racist and homophobic incidents. Serious incidents or issues requiring an immediate response should be reported by calling 999 or 101 for non emergency response.

Remote reporting

If you'd prefer to report anonymously and your issue can wait then remote reporting may be appropriate. Information on how to do this can be found on the Online Reporting Form | Police Scotland. website.

Anti-social behaviour investigation team

This phoneline is manned during office hours only, but an answering machine service is available outwith these hours.


Floor 2
Civic Centre
Andrew Street
East Kilbride
G74 1AB
Phone: 0800 389 1105
Email: Anti-social behaviour investigation team