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Place Based Investment Programme

Place Based Investment Programme 2024-2025

The application process is closed for new applications.

This fund aims to support community-led regeneration, based on the place principle. Please see below:

The place principle definition:

  • place is a locality where people, location, and resources combine to create a sense of identity and purpose and are at the heart of addressing the needs and realising the full potential of communities. Places are shaped by the way resources, services, and assets are directed and used by the people who live in and invest in them. This can be areas within a town or local areas, towns, and villages.
  • a more joined-up, collaborative, and participative approach to services, land, and buildings, across all sectors within a place, enables better outcomes for everyone and increased opportunities for people and communities to shape their own lives.

The principle requests that:

  • all those responsible for providing services and looking after assets in a place need to work and plan together, and with local communities, to improve the lives of people, support inclusive and sustainable economic growth and create more successful places.

Commit to taking:

  • a collaborative, place-based approach with a shared purpose to support a clear way forward for all services, assets, and investments which will maximise the impact of their combined resources.

Reasons for the programme:

  • to link place-based initiatives
  • to support projects such as town centre revitalisation, community-led regeneration, 20-minute neighbourhoods, and community wealth building
  • to make sure that all place-based investments are shaped by the needs and aspirations of local communities
  • to speed up our ambitions for net zero, wellbeing and inclusive economic development, tackling inequality and disadvantage, community involvement and ownership

Eligible areas

The project and/or the project feasibility study must be for works based within communities within South Lanarkshire, examples of these are below however this is not exhaustive and all localities are eligible:

Eligible activities

The activities must align with the project objectives and be capital spend activities that contribute to the regeneration or development of an area including:

  • securing that land and buildings are brought into effective use
  • contributing to, or encouraging, economic development
  • creating an attractive and safe environment
  • preventing crime or reducing the fear of crime
  • providing or improving housing or social and recreational facilities to encourage people to live or work in the area or of benefiting the people who live there
  • providing employment for local people
  • providing or improving training, educational facilities, or health services for local people
  • helping local people to make use of opportunities for education, training, or employment
  • any scheme for the storage, treatment, or disposal of any material or product to help prevent or reduce environmental damage
  • benefiting local people who have additional support needs because of disability or because of their sex or the racial group to which they belong

More information

If you need more information before you apply you should look at the following:

  • Understanding Scottish Places - an online tool that shows how Scottish towns with a population of 1,000 or more interact with their surrounding settlements and perform against a range of indicators
  • Place Standard - a framework designed to support communities, public, private, and third sectors to work efficiently together to assess the quality of a place. A new web resource on place-based working is in development and will contain online resources, case studies, and toolkits to support place-based working and 20 Minute Neighbourhoods
  • USP Your Town Audit - add to USP a six-day study that provides the standard benchmark for measuring the health of a Scottish town
  • Town Centre Toolkit - guidance on designing and planning town centres to be attractive, accessible, and active, focusing on urban design, quality, sustainability, and use of town assets
  • Place Principle - Information about the Place Principle

Application process

The application process is closed for the 2024/25 programme. Any change will be provided on this page.