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Climate Emergency and Social Enterprise Grants

Social Enterprise Grant application guidance

Before you apply

This guidance relates to grant applications for the Social Enterprise Grant Fund.

In South Lanarkshire, social enterprise grants are available to trading enterprises and enterprising third-sector organisations aspiring to trade who need funding to start up and/or grow trading activity in pursuance of their social or environmental aims. Find out more about the Voluntary Code of Practice for Social Enterprise.

What is the Social Enterprise Grant Fund?

This is a one-off pot, created to enable social enterprises based in the South Lanarkshire area to apply for small amounts of funding to start-up and/or grow trading activity that will deliver social and environmental impact.

How much can I apply for?

Up to £2,500 match funding is available for organisations, based on up to 50% of the overall project costs. If your project is part of a consortia (2 or more organisations) and you are collaborating on the same project, a lead partner may apply for up to £7,500 match funding of 50% of the overall project costs,

What can it be used for?

The fund can be used for enterprising projects which support social enterprise business models to start, increase trading income and fit with our Social Enterprise Strategy objectives:

  • Increased Social Enterprise businesses operating in South Lanarkshire
  • Commitment to increasing trading activity
  • Increased number of social enterprises tendering and being part of the supply chain
  • Increased volunteering opportunities as a potential route to employment
  • Increased number of young people working in and starting up a social enterprise
  • Improved brand awareness, and marketing
  • Supporting collaboration, where 2 or more organisations are working together to trade
  • Delivering wider / deeper social and environmental impact
  • Increased capacity of and profile of the sector leading the way in Net Zero solutions

If you are applying as part of a consortia, your application must set out the partner organisation(s) name, their role in the project, and what they will deliver, and include a copy of the partner's memorandum of understanding (MOU). You can draft your own MOU, but here is an example that might give you a starter for 10.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be located and operating in South Lanarkshire.

When can I apply?

One application can be made from 1 April 2023.

When will a decision be made?

A decision will be made within 30 days unless additional supporting information has been requested.

What can the fund not be used for?

  • To pay for vehicle purchase
  • The repayment of debt or loans
  • To pay group volunteers or organisational employees for existing projects
  • Costs already incurred
  • Any project expenditure that:
    - is required to allow the business to meet legislative requirements
    - is replacing existing equipment on an old for new basis
    - is for the renovation of equipment or premises.

Applicant responsibilities

The organisation applying for grant funding is responsible for:

  • Ensuring there is a demonstrable link to the aims of the council’s Social Enterprise Strategy objectives.
  • That any proposals in a public space are approved in advance to ensure that required safety standards and maintenance arrangements are agreed
  • Submitting a quote relating to purchases listed in the grant fund application
  • Organisations must have an official bank account and council resources will supply a cost centre to which the funds will be credited.
  • Ensuring that relevant risk assessments and safe systems of work are in place and that activities are adequately supervised
  • Tracking public funds and accepting that the council has a right to access information pertaining to grants awarded
  • Providing at least a quarterly update on the progress of the project and its benefit outcomes (this information will be used as part of an annual progress report to our Community and Enterprise Resources Committee)
  • Offering full cooperation and assistance if the council requests information on financial issues

Additional information

  • Applications will be considered on a first-come, first serve basis
  • If your application is successful, you may only apply for one grant
  • If your application is unsuccessful, you may re-apply
  • Grants received must be spent within the specified period as agreed with us and set out within the grant award letter. Evidence of spend must be supplied prior to this date.  If not, recipients will be required to return funds to the council prior to financial year end
  • The council’s decision on grant applications is final

If you need further information or assistance in completing the application contact