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Community asset transfer

Criteria for scoring matrix

The Community Asset Transfer Framework aims to help assess eligible Third Sector organisations based or working in South Lanarkshire and interested in Community Asset Transfer. The Framework provides an assessment of the added community benefit that the Community Asset Transfer would bring to the local community.


Organisations need to comply with criteria that reflect the council’s key priorities and objectives.

  • help reduce the poverty-related attainment gap and improve long-term outcomes for children and families.
  • improve achievement, raise educational attainment and support lifelong learning.
  • improve later life
  • encourage participation in physical and cultural activities
  • protect vulnerable children and young people
  • supporting our communities by tackling disadvantage and deprivation and supporting aspiration
  • contribute towards the transition to a low-carbon economy and society
  • use land to improve biodiversity and help communities re-connect with nature
  • support homeless individuals and those at risk of homelessness, contribute towards the delivery of quality, affordable housing available to all.
  • work in conjunction with partners to promote job creation and employability.
  • contribute towards community wealth building by work with communities and partners to promote high quality, thriving and sustainable communities

Organisations will also be scored on the key elements of Best Value including:-

  • Vision and leadership
  • Effective partnerships and local community support
  • Governance and accountability
  • Use of resources
  • Performance management
  • Sustainability
  • Equality

In essence, organisations will have to demonstrate that by providing added community benefit that the price of the asset should be reduced based on the assessment of the added value.


Scoring range

Alignment with council objectives

How do the services or activities which will be supported by Community Asset Transfer align with council objectives?  1 pt for each objective that the project can be aligned to. For each objective identified there is an assessment of the impact on the proposal for that objective. For example a proposal that clearly meets a Council objective and can be seen to contribute very significantly to that objective could score as high as 8 points. It is likely that proposals will only be able to demonstrate a contribution towards 2 or at most 3 objectives and that the impact of most proposals will be in the medium to the strong range.

Any proposal that cannot demonstrate alignment with any council objective would be considered ineligible and likely for refusal.

0 – 8 per objective met

Vision and Leadership

Very strong proposals will make a major contribution to several national outcomes, deliver transformational benefits to the community, with significant public benefit and clear evidence for the claims of benefit.

Very strong proposals will have a clear plan, usually, a fully developed business plan with leadership and other key roles clearly identified.


0 - 20

Effective partnerships and local community support

Very strong proposals will have strong local partnerships contributing to delivery and enhancing the project benefits. The engagement of the community in the design of the project and clear consultation with the community will be demonstrated. Very strong projects will also show clear synergy with any local development plans or strategies. There will also be evidence that the community and end users will be directly involved in the ongoing development of the proposal.


0 – 20

Governance and accountability

Very strong proposals will have clear governance structures built into the proposal. There will be transparency and feedback mechanisms that engage the local community and show continued involvement in project development.


0 - 20

Use of resources

Very strong proposals will show clearly that the level of resources and community capacity is appropriate to the scale of the project. There will be a clear longer-term plan for using the asset and how outcomes will be achieved. The plan will also identify the positive impacts on the community of the proposal including volunteers and staff for example.


0 - 20

Performance management

Very strong proposals will show clearly how project outcomes will be measured and monitored. There will also be a clear reporting process in place that informs the local community and key stakeholders of progress at all stages.


0 - 20


Very strong proposals will demonstrate how the project will be sustainable in the longer term through self-financing, clear external funding routes, community charges, income, and so on. Very good proposals will also demonstrate how project development and implementation will impact positively the local environment.


0 - 20


Very strong proposals will demonstrate that the whole community will benefit from the proposals and that the different needs of the community have been taken into consideration in the development of the project. Specific evidence of positive impacts for specific equalities groups would also be outlined.


0 - 20

Total Project Score is from Best Value assessment out of 140 + alignment with council priorities score