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Chat safe: advice for children and young people

Using your mobile phone and the internet

Here are some useful tips for staying safe while chatting on your mobile or using the internet.

Don't give out personal details to people you don't know
Texting, emailing, chatting and video messaging can be fun, but remember, once you send pictures or other personal details, you never know where they might end up.

Always think before you send
Personal details include things like your email or home address, your mobile number or pictures of you or your family and friends.

Never reply to emails or texts from people you don't know
These can contain viruses that could damage your computer, or may have links to expensive chatlines. If you do not know the sender it's best to delete them straight away.
Tell your parents or someone you trust such as a teacher, school nurse or partnership officer, if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried.
Never be afraid to let someone know if you feel bullied or uncomfortable about anything you've been sent or see online.
Do not meet up with anyone you have met online without telling an adult you trust.
People aren't always who they claim to be online so if they ask to meet up always tell someone.

Top tips to keep you safe

  • do not give out your name, address or telephone number to people you don't know
  • do not arrange to meet anyone you don't know
  • if you are not sure about something, ask an adult you trust
  • do not use a web cam without letting a parent or trusted adult know and always switch it off when you're not using it.
  • never play the 'happy slapper' game

If you are concerned about cyberbullying you can download our pack of leaflets for parents, children and young people.

For online advice about internet safety visit the thinkuknow website.