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Health and safety - the role of Environmental Services

All new business premises need to be registered with their local authority. We carry out regular inspections dependent on the level of risk presented to employees and members of the public. Environmental Health staff are authorised to take various forms of legal action in certain circumstances although they try to build close working relationships with businesses to achieve results.

We receive regular requests for information and advice from businesses and employees about legal and technical issues. We hold a stock of free Health and Safety advice leaflets and we are happy to pass these on.

If, as an employee, you are worried about unsafe working conditions Environmental Health staff can investigate.

We investigate workplace accidents and take either formal or informal action to make sure conditions improve and we investigate over 200 accidents every year.

Environmental Services deals with the enforcement of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and numerous regulations arising from this legislation at 3,666 premises in the South Lanarkshire area such as offices, shops, restaurants, warehouses, tyre and exhaust centres and sports clubs.

For more information contact Environmental Services.