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Animal Health and Welfare Officer

Our Animal Health and Welfare Officer (AHWO) provides a range of services and advice for farmers, hauliers, and manufacturers of animal feed.

The aim of animal health and welfare officer is to:

  • prevent the introduction of contagious diseases
  • control the spread of contagious diseases
  • protect the welfare of animals in transport and at markets

The Animal Health Act 1981 places statutory duties on local authorities in relation to animal disease outbreaks. This role is focused on preventing the spread of notifiable livestock disease, and so limiting the effect of the disease on humans, animals, and the environment. For details of the diseases please see the Scottish Government's Animal diseases: notifiable and non-notifiable diseases information and avian influenza advice

The AHWO visits farms and livestock markets to make sure animal health laws are being followed. The Officer checks that farmers keep proper records about animal movement, breeding, and transport.

Markets are visited to make sure animals are correctly identified and fit to travel and that market premises and vehicles are cleaned and disinfected after use.

The AHWO also deals with reports of dead farm animals and other animal by-products.

The AHWO and government vets advise farmers of good animal husbandry. If there are serious problems the Animal Health and Welfare Officer report to the Procurator Fiscal.

For more information on animal health and welfare contact Consumer and Trading Standards.

Environmental Services

Phone: 0303 123 1015