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Food standards

Food labels should give enough information for you to determine the name of the food, indicate a use-by or best before date and a list of ingredients (including amounts, if a special emphasis is placed upon a particular ingredient).

You should also be told if any special storage instructions or cooking instructions are required and be given an address within the European Community that you can contact if you have any complaints regarding the food.

It is a strict offence to sell food after its use by date and it may also be an offence where the quality of food is poorer because it's after the use by date.

Where claims are made about the nature, quality, and substance of food, they should be what they claim - for example a 'fresh' product should not have been frozen and 'pure orange' should not be an orange flavoured drink.

Environmental Health Officers inspect premises and deal with consumer complaints regarding food standards, including date codes, labelling of food and the nature, substance and quality of food.

If you have any problems regarding food quality, contact Environmental Services for advice.  It is useful if you have proof of purchase and a witness.