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Procurement and the council

Procurement is the full range of activities related to purchasing works, supplies, and services. This includes the process of supplier engagement, advertising, supplier selection, and subsequent management of any contract arising.

All our services involve procurement. Procurement can range from engaging a contractor to build a school through to purchasing pens and pencils for Resource use.

Effective procurement supports our aims and objectives, helping us deliver high quality services that meet the current and future needs of local people based on value for money. Our Procurement Strategy sets out our procurement aims and objectives. The Procurement (Scotland) Reform Act 2014 requires contracting authorities to publish an annual procurement report on its regulated procurement activities.

Procurement in the Public Sector is subject to the Law of Scotland and the way in which we purchase works, supplies, and services is governed by these laws.

Procurement Law and Regulation

Public Sector Procurement in Scotland is subject to The Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015, The Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 and The Procurement (Scotland) Regulations 2016. This legislative framework governs how any public organisation in Scotland purchases works where the estimated value exceeds £2 million and, supplies and services where the estimated value exceeds £50,000. There are some differences in the relevant procurement law depending on the contract value. However, every procurement process must comply with the basic principles of transparency, openness, non-discrimination, and equal treatment.

The legislative framework is supplemented by our Standing Orders on Contracts which set out the provisions that must be adhered to at all times when procuring works, supplies, or services regardless of the value of the requirement.

Procurement Service

The Procurement Service is based within Finance and Corporate Resources and supports the delivery of works, supplies, and services to an annual value of £420 million. The Procurement Service has a key role in both supporting and governing how supplies, works, and services are obtained which includes but is not limited to, high value contract delivery, continuous improvement of procurement processes (in line with Scottish Procurement Regulations), and the delivery of procurement efficiencies, guidance and advice.

The Procurement Service is responsible for securing best value for money by procuring works, supplies, and services that best meet requirements. Best value for money may be determined by a number of factors including quality, service, and delivery against price, whole life cost, maintenance, and running and disposal costs. 

The main areas of work for the Procurement Service are:

  • Conducting tenders and establishing works, supplies, and services contracts that deliver best value
  • Delivering financial savings for the council through contract arrangements
  • Delivering Community Benefits for the council through a contract arrangement
  • Providing professional procurement guidance and advice
  • Ensuring compliance with applicable procurement law and our Standing Orders on Contracts
  • Promoting the use of electronic procurement processes
  • Promoting sustainable procurement
  • Ensuring procurement helps deliver our key corporate objectives

Current council contracts

The Contract Register is a record of all contracts used by the us where the contract value exceeds £10,000. This includes contracts awarded by us and contracts used by us but awarded by other bodies, for example, Scotland Excel and Procurement Scotland.


Phone: 01698 454353
Email: Procurement