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Tourism Strategy

Tourism has been identified as a key growth sector in South Lanarkshire’s local economy.

South Lanarkshire’s Tourism Strategy has been created to target ways to make the area more attractive for visitors and to support businesses operating within the sector.

The council’s Economic Development Team has created this strategy whilst engaging with colleagues across other areas of the council and with partner organisations including VisitScotland.

The draft strategy identifies six priority areas:

  1. People - The South Lanarkshire tourism sector will become a career of choice. Our sector will attract, develop, and retain a skilled, committed, diverse and valued workforce.
  2. Place - We will create and develop an attractive and competitive visitor destination.
  3. Business - We will build business resilience, sustainability, improve business viability and profitability.
  4. Marketing - We will raise the profile of South Lanarkshire as an attractive visitor destination. 
  5. Responsible tourism – We will develop a sustainable visitor economy, maximising the positive impacts, and minimising any potential negative impacts.
  6. Partnership working – Collaborative working will allow the South Lanarkshire tourism sector to realise its full potential.