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Non-domestic rates charges - what you pay

A number of things determine what the annual rates bill will be for your property:

  • each year the Scottish Government sets the property rates (sometimes known as poundages) that will apply for the new financial year

  • In 2024/25 there are three property rates:

    • the Basic Property Rate of 49.8p applies if your rateable value is £51,000 or less

    • the Intermediate Property Rate of 54.5p applies if your rateable value is between £51,001 and £100,000

    • the Higher Property Rate of 55.9p applies if your rateable value is over £100,000

  • the relevant property rate is multiplied by your rateable value, which produces your rates charge for this year

  • we then deduct any reliefs that you have been awarded and this determines the amount of your bill for this year.

Visit the website for more information and a quick rates calculator.

Annual business rates bills are issued in April for the period from 1 April to 31 March. Payments are due by 10 monthly instalments (7 May to 7 February). The non-domestic rates team can provide:

  • bills in a different format or language

  • balance and account information

  • guidance on reliefs available

The Scottish Assessors Association holds details on rateable values and how these are set.

Visit Water Industry Commission for Scotland for information on non-domestic water and waste water charges (charged separately by your chosen provider).

Non-domestic rates team

Phone: 0303 123 1013