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is currently unavailable due to year-end processing

Non-domestic rates - Performance and reports

We set targets for collecting non-domestic rates and in 2023/24 we collected 97.8% of rates due. This was the same as our collection rate for 2022/23. 

Credit balance reports

A list of all limited companies and other organisations whose non-domestic rates accounts are in credit. This list is updated quarterly.

New liabilities reports

A list of all limited companies and other organisations that have become liable for non-domestic rates during the current financial year. This list is updated quarterly.

Rates relief reports

A list of all limited companies and other organisations that are in receipt of rates relief for the current financial year. This list is updated quarterly.  

Current properties reports

A list of all properties currently in the valuation roll. This report includes some additional information on limited companies and other organisations. This list is updated quarterly.

Credit balance write-back reports

A list of rates accounts belonging to limited companies and other organisations where a credit has been written back to their rates account. This list is updated annually.

There were no credit write-backs processed during the 2023/24 financial year.