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If you find a syringe, please don't touch it. Report it to us immediately on 0303 123 1020 during office hours and 0800 242024 outside office hours.

Diabetics can dispose of pens and cartridges (with the needles clipped off using a needle clipping device), vials and used test strips directly in to the normal residual waste bin. Lancets, needles, syringes and full needle clipping devices must be disposed of in a sharps bin. Sharps bins and needle clipping devices are available on prescription from a GP.

Anyone who has been prescribed medication that involves using needles or sharps, for infection or for testing your blood will require a sharps disposal container. These are issued by your health care provider and if you are returning sharp disposal containers to an agreed health centre for disposal, please ensure that you complete the label on the container. If you are being treated in the community by a health care professional, then the sharps waste is considered to be the healthcare professionals waste.  The healthcare professional can remove your sharps waste and take it back to NHS Lanarkshire base for disposal in approved containers. You should not take your sharps disposal containers back to GP practices or pharmacies. For further information, visit or call 0800 22 44 88.