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Cloth nappies

Every year around 160 million nappies are sent to landfill in Scotland. By the time a baby is potty trained they will have got through around 5000 disposable nappies which will cost about £800 to buy.

Cloth nappies, on the other hand cost around £200 to buy and cost £1 a week to wash and dry and will become even more economical if you use them for a second child.

You can use cloth nappies from birth and depending on the make they wash at 60 degrees and don't need soaked before going in the washing machine.

You will need 20 nappies if you intend doing a wash every day and 25 if you want to do a wash every second day. Cloth nappies are changed as often as disposables and there shouldn't be any higher a risk of nappy rash.

For more information see the Lanarkshire Real Nappy Project on Facebook and WRAP website.