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Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction application

Use the links below to:

  • check if you qualify for Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction and to apply for. However, the calculation is only an estimate based on the information you supply. For a full assessment you will need to make a formal claim as soon as possible.
  • apply for Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction.
  • submit some evidence to support your Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction application. Please also note that you are unable to submit evidence of identity - we must see your original documents. 

If you are working, we will ask you for payslips. If you don't have any payslips, your employer should complete a certificate of earnings form. This completed form can be submitted using the link below to submit evidence, or returned to us at the address on the form. 

If you are self employed, you need to fill in the Self employed earnings information form.

If you are receiving Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction it is really important that you tell us straight away if your circumstances change. For details on why this is so important, and information on the types of changes you need to tell us about, please see our Change of circumstances page.

You may be asked to upload evidence on your application form, help with this is provided below.

Help with uploading evidence

You will be asked to upload evidence on the application form. We can accept jpegs and pdf files but we advise pdfs as the file size is smaller.

Please don’t take photos of your PC screen or phone screen as these can be blurry. If you need to do this you should use the screenshot/print screen function on your PC or phone.

When you take a photo of a document such as a bank statement sometimes the file sizes are too big, especially if you have to upload a lot of different images to your form. This can cause the form to fail and we advise converting jpegs to pdfs. You can do this in the following ways.

On an Android phone

  • select image you want
  • from the menu select print image
  • select Save as pdf
  • choose where to save it
  • save

On an iPhone

  • select the image you want
  • tap the sharing button and select Print
  • at the Printer options screen, use a spreading gesture with your fingers on the image preview to show Save as pdf
  • select Share the converted photo as PDF and choose where to save it  

On a PC

  • right click on the icon of the image
  • select Convert to Adobe pdf
  • click on the Save file icon in the top left hand corner
  • select where to save it
  • name it
  • save

If you receive an error message on submission of your application, this could be due to the size of the uploads within your application. Please check your emails to see if you have received an email confirmation of your application before contacting us or making another application.

If you are in receipt of certain benefits, you and your family may qualify for a leisure concession card giving you up to 50% off the cost of swimming, fitness classes, children’s activities and other activities with South Lanarkshire Leisure. Full details can be found on the South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture website.