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Active Travel projects

New zebra crossings at Burnbank Road, Hamilton

In response to an identified road safety issue in the Burnbank Road area, we have completed a design for three Zebra crossings on Burnbank Road and one Parallel crossing (for pedestrians and cyclists) on Whitehill Road.

Two of these crossings (Whitehill Road south of Burnbank Centre, and Burnbank Road west of Yews Crescent) were completed in early 2024, comprising the first phase of the scheme. The final phase of the scheme, proposed to be completed in the 2024-25 financial year, is to construct two further Zebra crossings at the following locations:

  • Burnbank Road east of Newfield Crescent (eastern junction) - due for completion February 2025
  • Burnbank Road west of West Stewart Street - completed November 2024

As part of these works, the existing traffic islands at these locations will be altered to reduce the crossing distance.

When complete, it is anticipated that the new crossings will help to reduce pedestrian casualties in the area and contribute to a greater proportion of journeys undertaken by foot or by bike, in line with our Local Transport Strategy. 

A plan and detailed drawings of the proposed new crossings are shown below. Should you have any questions or comments on the proposals, please phone 0303 123 1015 or email

Locations of proposed zebra crossings

Proposed zebra crossings in Burnbank, Hamilton

Burnbank Road, east of Newfield Crescent (eastern junction)

Proposed zebra crossing at Burnbank Road, east of Newfield Crescent

Burnbank Road, west of West Stewart Street

Proposed zebra crossing on Burnbank Road, west of West Stewart Street