Active Travel projects
East Kilbride - Active Travel Infrastructure – Town Centre Network – Phase 1.4
Travelling actively offers many benefits including healthier citizens, more connected communities, reduced traffic congestion, and better air quality. We want walking and cycling to be the natural choice for people to make for their everyday journeys.
As part of the East Kilbride Active Travel Study (ATS) which was undertaken in 2019, we undertook an engagement exercise with the local community seeking information relating to which routes they would like to see enhanced walking and cycling provision provided. This exercise identified a number of early priority routes which included the Town Centre network. To date, we have seen the introduction of the following phases:
- Phase 1.0 – West Mains Road (Strathfillan Road – East Kilbride Railway Station)
- Phase 1.1 – Cornwall Street/Brouster Hill/Torrance Road
- Phase 1.2 – West Mains Road (East Kilbride Railway Station to Creighton Grove)
- Phase 1.3 – West Mains Road/Torrance Road/Ladybank Place Protected Junction
The East Kilbride Active Travel Infrastructure (ATI) construction phasing plan in conjunction with the layout proposals is provided with this questionnaire for your consideration. For your information, works associated with the introduction of Phase 1.5 are currently ongoing with an anticipated completion date of the beginning of July 2023.
Grant funding has been sought externally to deliver ATI within East Kilbride in recent years and similar funding sources are proposed for the remaining phase (1.4) of the Town Centre ATI network. We are therefore now seeking your views on these proposals.
Phase 1.4 - West Mains Road between Creighton Grove and Priestknowe Roundabout
Two conceptual layout plans have been developed for your consideration. The layout plans comprise an Ordnance Survey mapping overview with cross sections supplemented by a key and are summarised as follows for your consideration/comment.
Option 1
Proposes the introduction of a shared-use space (4.0 metres in width) on the south side of West Mains Road, a 6.2m carriageway, and existing footway width retained on the north side of West Mains Road.

Additional alterations include:
- On-street parking provision (currently 22 spaces) increased to 23 spaces.
- Disabled parking provision (5 spaces) retained in their existing location.
- Bus stop lay-by removed to maximise parking provision.
- Bus stop relocated to position within the vicinity of 21/23 West Mains Road.
- Green space fronting 49 – 63 West Mains Road utilised to introduce a new ‘pocket park’ incorporating decorative planters, vegetation, decorative paviours, and seating.
- New build-outs to accommodate access/egress from existing driveways.
- New Toucan crossing upgrade prior to Priestknowe roundabout.
Option 2
Proposes the introduction of a segregated bidirectional cycle lane (3.0 metres in width) on the south side of West Mains Road. The cycle track would be segregated from West Mains Road by a 0.5m cycle segregation kerb and would retain a 2.0m width footway provision for pedestrians.

Additional alterations include:
- On-street parking provision (currently 22 spaces) removed with exception of 3 existing disabled parking bays.
- Green space fronting 49-63 West Mains Road utilised to form a new residents-only car park comprising 16 bays including 2 former on-street disabled parking bays.
- Bus stop lay-by removed to maximise parking provision/ATI.
- Bus stop relocated to position within the vicinity of 21/23 West Mains Road.
- New Toucan crossing upgrade prior to Priestknowe roundabout.
- New Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to restrict waiting at any time and no loading at any time is proposed for the south side of West Mains Road to accommodate for unrestricted 2-way traffic on West Mains Road.
Benefits of the scheme
The proposal to introduce walking and cycling infrastructure is to encourage alternative modes of transport for everyday journeys and to:
- Improve air quality
- Improve road safety – especially for pedestrians and cyclists also making East Kilbride more pleasant and easier to negotiate
- Support the aims of our Local Transport Strategy (LTS) – including promoting walking and cycling for local journeys and reducing our carbon footprint
Have your say
The survey closed on Friday 2 June 2023.
- Active Travel projects
- East Kilbride - Active Travel Infrastructure – Town Centre Network – Phase 1.4
- New zebra crossings at Burnbank Road, Hamilton