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How to make a planning application

Full planning permission

You can apply for full planning permission when you have the detailed plans for a development. To find out if a development is generally acceptable you can apply for planning permission in principle.

An application for full permission needs all the details of a proposal. This would include site layout, design, building plans and the types of building materials to be used. Full planning permission usually lasts for three years from the date that it is given.

When you should apply for full permission

It should be used for:

  • a change in the use of land or a building
  • the erection, alteration or extension of a building
  • the removal of a condition attached to a planning permission
  • the renewal of an expired temporary permission

When you will get a decision

We have a statutory period of two months to make a decision on your application, unless it falls within the category of 'major developments'. In this case we have four months. If your application is complex, we may ask for more time to deal with it.

For more information contact your the Planning and Building Standards office.